These two photos were taken a few days after Tarikutu's discharge. I think Tefsa shaved his head to heal his scabies.
Dom wanted Tarikutu to stay in Addis for at least a month but Tefsa couldn't commit to that amount of care although she promised to drive him from the village for his weekly check ups @ Black Lion. She told me
later that she had instructed his mother to build a bed for him so he wouldn't have to sleep on the floor to keep his incisions clean. Tefsa agreed to keep him until the bed was done. What an angel!
O showed me the footage today inside the hut and it's very sobering so think it will convey the poverty of our patients. Look forward to reading the blog update.
Take care,
contagious skin disease occurring esp. in sheep and cattle and also in humans, caused by the itch mite, Sarcoptes scabiei, which burrows under the skin.
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